Wills & Trusts
End of life decisions and planning can be unsettling but the discomfort of contemplating mortality is far less stressful than dealing with these issues after the unforeseen passing of a love one or in the midst of a crisis. Let our staff craft the appropriate documents to ensure your wishes are carried out, your loved ones are protected, and your business is preserved.
Our attorneys work with clients in the creation of Wills to protect loved ones and assets at all stages of life. We regularly work with young single or married professionals planning to protect loved ones and beginning their asset protection planning, as well as individuals further along in life looking to maximize tax treatment of their assets and prepare for end of life care options.
We regularly work on Trust creation for our clients to help protect our client's loved ones and assets. Our firm specializes in the creation of Special Needs Trusts, allowing families to provide for an individual who may not be able to provide for themselves.
Advanced Directives
To ensure your wishes are followed for end of life care it is imperative to have advanced directives in place, including your healthcare proxy, living will and power of attorney. Our attorneys are experienced at working with clients to create these important documents and to work one-on-one with clients to ensure that all of your concerns are addressed and questions answered.
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