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For questions or assistance, contact our
Contract Administrator Eileen Wagda at (516) 747-6700 x 312.









Contract NameBrief DescriptionPrice

Includes sale, installation, monitoring, repair service; Includes Network Administration services. Covers all security systems and services, such as intrusion, fire, cameras, access control and residential fire, subscriber self monitoring and  remote access.  Customized for your state.  Use this form for residential subscribers


Includes sale, installation, monitoring, repair service, inspection, guard response, access control, streaming video / Cameras/ [does not include fire].  Includes Network Administration, remote and on-site. Use this form for commercial subscribers


Includes installation, monitoring, service, inspection, guard response, access control, streaming video / CCTV/ [does not include fire]


Additional Equipment, Systems and Service.  We recommend that you use the Disclaimer Notice with the All in One Agreements


Home entertainment, lighting, cameras, audio, remote access, thermostat, integration.  Use this form for Network Administration (remote or on-site access to customer's computer system to made changes, update or add software).  This form should not be used for security or fire system or services.


Virtual Remote Gate Guard Monitoring and Access Control Service consists of electronically monitoring the Subscriber owned entrance and exit gates to the Subscriber’s community utilizing monitored cameras, audio and access control devices. 


Temporary construction site stand alone surveillance unit


[single state; call us for nationwide form]. vehicle or personal


Includes lease, installation, monitoring, service, remote access / security / fire; customized for your state


Rider for use with services


Rider for Honeywell Notifier Agreement - required when using Honeywell product and services


FEENICS Inc cloud access control line services and software and services.  Creates direct contract with subscriber and Feenics Inc as required by the Feenics dealer agreement


Required for consumer electronic communication / signature / documents [included at no additional charge with our nationwide agreements]


This turns the Commercial All in One and Fire All in One into a "master agreement' so that multiple locations can be added from time to time.  This rider is not a stand-alone agreement.  You must use with the All in One agreement.  Be sure to update your All in One if ordering this master rider.   Note:  This rider may require considerable modification based on your intended use.


Certificate confirms alarm services. Confers no benefits to certificate holder.  Reduces alarm company exposure for issuing certificate.  Certificate is requested by subscriber to provide to insurance company, landlord, etc; it confirms alarm services 


This contract omits sale and installation of security equipment and should be used only if you do not perform any sale or installation and only want to provide monitoring and repair service.  RMR is also provided for inspection, cyber security and other RMR items.  We recommend the Commercial All in One, which includes sale and installation for all security systems [including access control and cameras] and all RMR items


Residential form but can be used for commercial - sale and installation only. We do not recommend this form except in limited circumstances.   We encourage RMR services and we recommend the All in One Agreements


Residential form but can be used for commercial - monitoring only. We do not recommend this form except in very limited circumstances.   We recommend the All in One Agreements


Residential form but can be used for commercial - repair service only. We do not recommend this form except in limited circumstances.   We recommend the All in One Agreements


This agreement to be used when alarm co is permitting subscriber to assign the contract to a new entity or person.  Contains assignment, assumption and other provisions in connection therewith

Fire Alarm / Protective Agreements

Commercial Sale, Installation, Inspection, Service, Monitoring, and Runner Service.  Use this form for commercial fire


Commercial Lease, Installation, Inspection, Service, Monitoring, and Runner Service


Description - Installation, Inspection, Service of Sprinkler System, Portable Extinguishers, Kitchen Hood, Smoke Detectors, Fire Pump and more.  This contract is for Fire Suppression and fire protection companies.  Not for alarm systems or service


This agreement is to be used when selling fire alarm equipment and material to Contractor [usually electrical contractor] who will be installing the equipment you sell and you will be programming the fire alarm.  No installation by you and no after-install service.  For after-install services owner should sign Fire All in One Agreement


This combines commercial fire with security systems.  Use only if providing fire alarm with add-on security system.  


Commercial:  For just sale and installation; no RMR services.  We recommend the Fire All in One


Fire Alarm shop drawings [FASDWG]


The BDA System provided under this agreement includes In-Building Wireless Communications Systems for Emergency Responders, Signal Boosters and Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDA), which systems require testing and service.  


Contract for Fire Protection  / Suppression Inspection and per call repair service.   Equipment/Extinguisher/ Smoke Detector/Sprinkler & CO Inspection.  We recommend the Fire Protection All in One


Commercial fire alarm monitoring.  You should be doing inspection and repair.  We do not recommend this form except in very limited circumstances. We recommend the Fire All in One


This is commercial fire alarm agreement for monitoring, repair service and inspection.  You can use the contract for all or any one of these services.  This contract is not for installation

Miscellaneous Contracts

This is a sale and installation agreement for commercial jobs



Agreement between license holder and company.  Contact Contract Administrator Eileen Wagda for details and customization  516 747 6700 x 312


Sale and installation for residential electrical work


Commercial elevator monitoring contract; includes voice and video


This consulting agreement is between Consultant and end user, commercial or residential.  Scope of services is listed but agreement is intended to be used with Consultant's proposal to customer.  Proposal form not included.  This agreement is for consulting and designing security, both electronic and physical, but does not include sale or installation of equipment or systems


This DIY asset purchase agreement is suitable for deals involving less than 50 accounts.  Warning:  we do recommend that you have an attorney represent you in any legal transaction.


Designed with options for important issues in an alarm asset purchase agreement.  Warning:  This is a DIY agreement though we recommend engaging counsel to assist with negotiations, drafting and consummating the transaction.  Suitable for small deals involving less than 100 accounts.


For Subcontractor use.   Contains opt out indemnity provision and provision for multiple jobs, turning the agreement into a "master agreement".  Contract terms can be modified to specify details of the engagement. Get this form when you are the subcontractor being hired by another company.  When selecting the option to use the Subcontractor Agreement as a Master Agreement get the Rider to Agreement with Subcontractor.



For General Contractor hiring subcontractors.   Contains opt out indemnity provision and provision for multiple jobs, turning the agreement into a "master agreement".  Contract terms can be modified to specify details of the engagement. When selecting the option to use the Subcontractor Agreement as a Master Agreement get the Rider to Agreement with Subcontractor.


Use this when the Subcontractor Agreement is intended as a "master agreement' so that multiple assignments can be added from time to time [which is an option on the Subcontractor Agreement].  This rider is not a stand-alone agreement.  You must use with the Subcontractor Agreement.  Note:This rider may require modification based on your intended use.


VIRTUAL DOORMAN STANDARD SUPERVISORY VIDEO, AUDIO, AND ACCESS CONTROL, SALES, MONITORING & SERVICE AGREEMENT.  Cameras with two way audio for access control and "escort" service throughout a building or property under surveillance 


This is a residential contract for home improvement of outdoor kitchen, lighting, audio and video, fire features and living space.  This contract is designed for AIN members in the Outdoor Living Space program and others with Home Improvement or General Contractor license in states and municipalities of installation


Standard Answering Service agreement with client questionnaire


Generator Agreement for sale, installation, scheduled maintenance, repair service, monitoring to customer and/or dealer


Provide home watch service for vacant home; itemized list of inspection and service areas.  This is for residential consumers; customized state by state.  Come with Rider for special instructions and additional services


Solar panel system sale and installation for residential use.  This is single state agreement.  


Tired of your customer using your estimate and information to put out a bid or negotiate with a competitor.  use this confidentiality agreement to protect your estimate and specifications


NDA containing confidentiality and other important provisions.  Get signed before giving out any information to prospective buyers, brokers or lenders.


For stationary unit, mobile and GPS tracking options- Designed for your state


For stationary unit, mobile and GPS tracking options- Designed for your state


Sale or Lease - Consumer Use - Designed for online execution.  Includes consultation and modification. Contact Eileen Wagda, Contract Administrator (516) 747-6700, ext 312 for more information


For nationwide sale and monitoring of DIY.  Includes consultation and modification. Contact Eileen Wagda, Contract Administrator (516) 747-6700, ext 312 for more information


Commercial Administration for access control and Service Contract:  We recommend the All in One for residential or commercial access control


Equipment Contract - covers sale, installation and service:  We recommend the Commercial All in One or the Residential Home Automation and Integration Agreement


Consulting only; no repair service


Computer consulting sale, service, per call or service plan, website hosting


Commercial Sale, Service & Monitoring for cameras only / Data Storage.  Limited to cameras.  We recommend the Commercial All in One unless all you do is cameras


Commercial Lease, Service & Monitoring for cameras only / Data Storage.  Limited to cameras.  We recommend the Commercial All in One Lease unless all you do is cameras


Commercial and Residential - Use after installation and every service call


Privacy statement to be posted on website to describe information you collect and what you do with the data


Includes installing of digital box and media player, hosting and administrative services and repair service.  Design creation also included.  This is for commercial customers. This is for digital signs and displays


Financial statement

Monitoring Centers Contracts

3-way contract between CS installer and subscriber


Between Central Station and Dealer (installer)


This Rider should be ordered by dealer to present to central station to modify the Dealer Agreement used by the central station.  Good for all central station dealer agreements.

Guard Contracts


(for high end residential) Alarm guard response and periodic patrol service

(for high-end residential) Alarm guard response and periodic patrol service, vacation watch and other services requested by high-end subscribers.  This is contract for guard company



Stationary security guard contract.  This is a guard company contract



This agreement is for guard response to alarm condition; commercial subscribers.

This agreement is for guard response to alarm condition; commercial subscribers.  This is guard response company contract


Telephone Contracts

Voip telephone system equipment sale and installation. Over-ride on VoIP hosted service and RMR for extended warranty and repair service. Designed for MongoTel dealers.
Voip telephone system equipment sale and installation. Over-ride on VoIP hosted service and RMR for extended warranty and repair service. Designed for MongoTel dealers.


Voip telephone system equipment sale and installation. Over-ride on VoIP hosted service and RMR for extended warranty and repair service. Designed for MongoTel dealers.
Voip telephone system equipment sale and installation. Over-ride on VoIP hosted service and RMR for extended warranty and repair service. Designed for MongoTel dealers.


Voip telephone system equipment sale and installation. Over-ride on VoIP hosted service and RMR for extended warranty and repair service. Designed for MongoTel dealers.


Voip telephone system equipment sale and installation. Over-ride on VoIP hosted service and RMR for extended warranty and repair service. Designed for MongoTel dealers.
Voip telephone system equipment sale and installation. Over-ride on VoIP hosted service and RMR for extended warranty and repair service. Designed for MongoTel dealers.


Select sale or lease format. Select residential or commercial. Voip telephone system equipment sale and installation. Over-ride on VoIP hosted service and RMR for extended warranty and repair service. Generic form.

**Call our Contract Administrator Eileen Wagda for selection of forms:
Eileen: 516 747 6700 x 312

Commercial or Residential Sales

Commercial or Residential Sales

Commercial or Residential Service

Commercial or Residential Service

Employment Contracts
with Restrictive Covenant

with Restrictive Covenant; confidentiality; customized for your state



for 1099 sales personnel

for 1099 sales personnel


Company policies and rules of conduct. customized by state and includes consultation for modification

Company policies and rules of conduct. Customized by state; updated employment laws and includes consultation for modification after your review; prepared by K&K's Employment Dept.




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For questions or assistance, contact our
Contract Administrator Eileen Wagda at (516) 747-6700 x 312.

Eileen Wagda

(516) 747-6700 x 312.

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