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Wondering how much your alarm company is worth?

Now you can get a quick reliable analysis!

Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum, P.C. offers four different levels of evaluation and services, see below.
To find out what your alarm company is worth select the level of review you would like based on how much detail you would like to receive in your analysis. While we do not offer any guarantees, we do attempt to provide you with the results of what your alarm company is worth within 24-48 hours of receipt of your order.

Be advised that your company data and the evaluation is strictly confidential and only the email address you provide us will be provided with the results of our analysis.


Quick Evaluation Data (Complete all applicable information)

Card Holder's Name (as it appears on credit card):

Subscriber Information

What percentage of your subscribers is for:

What percentage of your subscribers are:

Do you use a wholesale central station to monitor your accounts?

Are your subscriber's accounts on your own line or on communication lines easily transferred to another central station?

Recurring Monthly Revenue

Break down your recurring monthly revenue for each service offered in dollars:

RMR for Monitoring:

RMR for Repair Service Plans:

RMR for Leased Equipment:

RMR for Residential v. Commercial in dollars:


What percentage of RMR do you bill:


Is your company properly licensed with the State and local level(s) of all services you perform?

Do you have errors and omission insurance?

Do you have pending claims?

Subscriber Contracts

Do you use Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum contracts?

(Note: if contracts prepared by an attorney, please specify who the attorney was and the year it was updated)

Have your contracts been approved by your insurance company?

Have your contracts been approved by your central station?

Did you provide cancellation notices to your residential customers?

Were all contracts executed by both parties?

Are you in a state that requires notice of automatic renewal?

Do you provide automatic renewal notice?

Company Information

How many are:

Are your employees under Employment Contracts?

Are there key employees or other employees available to continue working post-sale?

Have key employees signed a non-compete?

Are there likely to be alarm companies in your area or outside your area that may be interested in buying your accounts?

Do you have a buyer in mind?

Are there direct competitors in your area?

Are you under any impediment to sell business assets or the subscriber accounts, i.e., to a dealer program or central station?

The purpose of this valuation is

If you sell, are you:

Are you willing to guarantee your accounts will continue to pay after the sale?

May we contact you for additional information, if necessary?

Do you want K&K to find you a buyer? (Note: This requires a non-exclusive agreement; commission is one month RMR at the time of the sale)

Do you want K&K to represent you in any legal transaction you are contemplating? (Note: This will entail K&K contacting you and sending a retainer agreement)

*If this is a Level Three valuation, send a separate email to with a blank copy of you form contract, in WORD or PDF only, for review and consideration in the valuation.


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Total Amount