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Is Seattle likely to be followed by other PDs / ISC meetings being scheduled now
October 26, 2024
Time is running out.  We will soon be closing the meeting time opportunities. Schedule your free private meeting with KK at ISC East
No "last minute" meetings will be scheduled.

    If you're interested in a private [yes, it's free] meeting at ISC East [we will be meeting just outside the exhibit hall] please contact Stacy Spector,Esq at 516 747 6700 x 304 or SSpector@Kirschenbaumesq.comConcierge Clients will have priority.

Is Seattle likely to be followed by other PDs
          I thought your readers would be interested in some facts and statistics on whether in fact there is a growing trend toward Seattle PD’s recent verification by audio or video for police response. Exactly the opposite is true. Always enjoy reading your blog. Please let me know if we can provide any additional information.
          In December 2000, the Salt Lake City police began actively promoting the verified response policy due to concerns over the growing number of alarms.  At the time, alarm systems were not as reliable as they are today, leading to frequent false alarms.  Despite these lobbying efforts by Salt Lake City and a few other proponents, most communities looked at and rejected the policy. At the same time the electronic security industry created the Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC), which worked with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and National Sheriffs’ Association to develop, test and prove the value of a model alarm ordinance that significantly reduced calls for service but maintained police response.

          Thanks to these efforts, Seattle was only the 19th agency out of 18,000 to adopt the verified response policy in 24 years. Fourteen other agencies broadcast alarms to officers but do not guarantee a response.
Eleven police departments tried verified response and then later rejected it after citizen complaints and concerns about crime.
          The SIAC staff’s ongoing relationships with law enforcement leaders throughout the U.S. have been instrumental in guiding agencies away from adopting verified response policies before they are ever put into place. The model ordinance has been adopted by approximately 1,000 public safety agencies.
          The Security, Integration, & Life Safety Association of the Northwest (SILSA NW) asked for assistance from SIAC which has helped local alarm associations address this type of issue for more than 20 years.
SIAC’s Seattle effort is headed by Steve Keefer, a retired chief of police and SIAC Deputy Executive Director and Law Enforcement Liaison. In addition, SIAC’s media relations team is working with SILSA NW to provide support in the form of letters to elected officials and customers, media relations, and a social media campaign to alert alarm owners and citizens to the sudden unexpected change.
          The bottom line is that there is no trend toward agencies adopting verified response. SIAC offers free support from industry leaders and public safety experts to local public safety agencies and alarm associations dealing with alarm management issues in their communities. For more information, visit SIAC at
David Margulies
          SIAC has hard working long time experts and should be commended for its efforts and success. 
As Dave points out newer and more reliable technology has contributed to less false alarms.  I am a proponent of verification and I also happen to think video primarily and perhaps audio also, are enhanced says to verify emergency conditions; the added cost to the alarm system is well worth it for peace of mind and more reliable verification whether required by the PD or not.  I am not a fan of no or delayed police response to intrusion alarms, but I suppose better “late than never”.
         SIAC may want to open up its participation to more of the alarm industry. 
K&K Holiday Party - Save the date:  December 12, 2024
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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
Attorneys at Law
200 Garden City Plaza
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516 747 6700 x 301