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Comments on Fire Inspection Reports filed electronically / Fire alarm inspection RMR
October 6, 2021
Comments on Fire Inspection Reports filed electronically from article on September 29, 2021
            It depends on the AHJ.  We have had some accept electronic signatures and some insist on “wet” signature.  For example, Yonkers accepts electronic engineer’s seal, while Nassau County Fie Marshall demands “wet” seal and signature.  They look exactly the same, go figure.
NJ has transitioned to “secure” electronic seals and signature.   Best advice is call the AHJ in advance and get an answer. 
            We are an independent consulting firm, specializing in fire code consulting and system design. We also provide certified training in the fields of fire alarm and security technology.  As an independent consultant, we work only for our clients on a fee for services basis and are not affiliated with any manufacturer or product.
Joseph Hayes, CPP, PSP, SET
All County Security Inc.
West Palm Beach, FL 33411-5747
            Why dont they just send the report to the tech to sign electronically.  
            I take it from these responses that there is nothing in NFPA addressing how a fire inspection report should be delivered to the AHJ.  That leaves you squarely at the whim and mercy of the AHJ.  Call and ask, maybe more than once so you can be sure of consistent answers.  Sooner or later a procedure will be clear.
            Be sure to keep the signed original or scanned copy in your records.
Fire alarm inspection RMR
            Commercial fire alarms must be inspected periodically.  If you provide the monitoring you may as well provide the inspection.  You're likely charging RMR for the monitoring; maybe for the repair service too, though you may have it on per call.  The inspection service should be on an RMR plan too. 
            Let's say you want to charge $600 per year for annual inspection on a per call basis, or you simple perform the per call inspection and treat it same as a per call repair service.  Instead of charging as a flat rate for the one inspection charge $50 a month.  It's the same $600.  You can, by the way, express the recurring charge as an annual rate, so $600 per year is the same as $50 a month - for the term of the agreement.  Here's the difference.
            When [you can forget about "if"] you go to sell your accounts the RMR for the fire alarm inspection is likely to fetch a multiple of 30 or more per month, say $900.00, if you are using the Standard Fire All in One.  If you have inspection set up as per call or not tied in with the term of the Fire All in One, the value of that account on sale is zero.  Do the math. If you aren't using the Fire All in One, do the math; then order it today.

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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
Attorneys at Law
200 Garden City Plaza
Garden City, NY 11530
516 747 6700 x 301