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Comment on E&O coverage – best of the worst   
February 4, 2025
Comment on E&O coverage – best of the worst from article on January 17, 2025
I will disagree with a part of your article on E/O Coverage.  I have no problem getting Security America Coverage written through my local agent, broker.  While he does not see a full commission on the policy he understands the need for E/O Coverage and Security America and keeps on top of my renewals and audits.  If you have a good agent he / she will understand the benefit of SA.
 You have to show them the same loyalty by keeping your profitable coverage with him / her.
Joel Kent
FBN Security Co LLC
Windsor, CT
          I agree that there are brokers who are very knowledgeable and helpful; they deserve your loyalty.  I merely pointed out that dealers can go direct to Security America.
Another comment
               I second the vote for Security America. I bounced around with insurance companies for years. One company decided to go bankrupt in the middle of the policy year. When the National Organization announced that we were starting our insurance company, I became the #4 policy written. They use an establish company to manage policies and just changed companies but still the best buy in General Liability and E&O. At renewal time this year, the new company also wrote our workman's comp and auto insurance. You must be a member of the national organization in order to get underwritten.
Stan Corn,
Alarms, Inc
Another comment
             Can you provide particulars on the 4-million dollar loss?  Alarm defeated by defeating the at premise wireless transmitters on the doors / windows OR alarm defeated by defeating the central station connection? (cell jammer or cutting phone/internet cable or ???)
Joseph (Joe) Pfefer, Founder & C.E.O.
(Chief Encouragement Officer)
Jade Alarm Co.
          So far it’s just a claim.  They used a jammer and the central station never got a signal.  I explained to the subrogation carrier why they are wasting their time and so far we haven’t heard anything else; no lawsuit started.

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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
Attorneys at Law
200 Garden City Plaza
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516 747 6700 x 301