Copyright (c) 2008 by The Oregon Secretary of StateAll rights reserved.
259-060-0015 Prohibited Acts
(1) It is unlawful:
(a) For a person to engage in the business of, or perform any service as, a private security professional, or to offer services in such capacity unless the person has obtained a certificate under the Private Security Service Providers Act and these rules.
(b) For a person to engage in the business of, or perform any service as, an executive or supervisory manager, or to offer services in such capacities unless the person has obtained a license under ORS 181.878.
(c) For a person to perform supervisory duties over persons performing crowd management or guest services, as described in ORS 181.871, unless the person has obtained a license or certificate under ORS 181.878.
(d) For an executive or supervisory manager to assign a person to perform private security services unless the person is certified as a private security professional under ORS 181.878 and these rules, except as otherwise provided in ORS 181.873(2) and OAR 259-060-0120(1)(b)(c) (relating to temporary assignments).
(e) To provide private security services as a private security professional without having a certificate or license issued under ORS 181.878 in the person's possession.
(f) For purposes of these administrative rules, these prohibitions apply to any business, employer, or entity that provides private security services within this state, or the monitoring of alarm systems designed to detect unauthorized intrusion, regardless of whether the business, employer or entity is located in this state.
(2) Conviction for a non-person felony or Class A misdemeanor will result in disqualification or revocation of certification as a private security provider for ten years from date of conviction.
(3) Exemptions: The following persons are exempt from regulation as private security providers:
(a) Persons holding a current Department certification as a police officer or parole and probation officer.
(b) A law enforcement officer of the United States.
(c) An individual while on active duty as a member of the armed services or while performing duties as a law enforcement officer.
(d) An officer or employee of this state, Oregon Health Sciences University established by ORS 353.020 or the United States.
(e) A person appointed or commissioned by the Governor to perform law enforcement or security services.
(f) An attorney admitted to practice law in this state.
(g) An insurance adjuster licensed in this state and performing duties authorized by the license.
(h) A person who monitors fire alarm systems and other alarm systems that are not designed to detect unauthorized intrusions.
(i) A person while protecting the person's property.
(j) A person who repairs and installs intrusion alarms.
(k) A person acting as an investigator or operative as defined in ORS 703.401.
(l) A person performing crowd management or guest services, including, but not limited to, a person described as a ticket-taker, an usher, parking attendant or ,event staff, or a person employed for the purpose of age verification by a licensee of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, who is not armed and is not hired with the primary responsibility of taking enforcement action as described in ORS 181.870(8)(f).
(m) A person who performs security services at a facility regulated by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the facility is operated by the person's employer.
(n) An employee of a financial institution who has been designated as a security officer for the financial institution pursuant to the Bank Protection Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C 1881 et seq.) and regulations adopted thereunder or pursuant to ORS 723.276 (5).
(3) The exemption provided by subsection (2)(l) of this section applies only:
(a) If there is at least one person on-site who is certified or licensed under ORS 181.878 for every 10 or fewer uncertified persons performing the services described in subsection (2)(l) of this section;
(b) If any enforcement action, as described in ORS 181.870(8)(f), other than incidental or temporary action, is taken by or under the supervision of a person certified or licensed under ORS 181.878; and
(c) During the time when a crowd has assembled for the purpose of attending or taking part in an organized event, including pre-event assembly, event operation hours and post-event departure activities.
ORS § 479.295 (2007)
1.479.295. State Fire Marshal to adopt rules setting standards and providing for implementation of certain laws governing smoke alarms and smoke detectors.Notwithstanding the provisions of ORS 476.030, the State Fire Marshal shall adopt, by rule:(1) Standards for the installation and maintenance of smoke alarms and smoke detectors as the State Fire Marshal considers necessary to carry out the purposes of ORS 479.250 to 479.300; and(2) Standards for the implementation of ORS 479.250 to 479.300 and 479.990 (5).