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ACH and CC Authorization Form
January 22,  2025
ACH and CC Authorization Form
In the All I One agreement there is a place for the customer to agree to the recurring charges. Have you considered adding verbiage to allow for us alarm companies to charge the same card for service calls?  Sometimes customers don't pay for the calls and when we call for collections they state "you have my card on file I thought you would just charge it." 
          When K&K provides the Standard Form All in One agreements it also provides, at no additional charge, an ACH RECURRING AND OTHER CHARGES PAYMENT AND CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM.
          As you correctly point out that form, which is separate from the All in One, permits charging a credit card or withdrawing from a bank account recurring charges pursuant to the All in One.  You ask, how about single charges, those that are not recurring.  The answer is that the ACH and Credit Card Charge form does authorize a single charge.  It’s clearly on the form, so you’re covered.
          Note that your processing company may require something else or different, but I have received no such request. 
          You should also be mindful that you are responsible for being very careful with the ACH and Credit Card data; you could be held liable for a security breach of that data and that’s not something the protective provisions in the Standard Form Agreements were designed to protect against. 
          ACH and Credit Card Authorization is something that is regulated by laws and it’s one of the issues K&K is regularly watching out for and updating contracts when necessary.  By all means let me know if you have comment on this issue or suggested or mandatory changes that are required to the authorization form.

STANDARD FORMS  Alarm /  Security / Fire and related Agreements
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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
Attorneys at Law
200 Garden City Plaza
Garden City, NY 11530
516 747 6700 x 301