Provided by:  Jennifer Kirschenbaum, Esq.

September 28, 2020



Hi Jennifer, 

I hold a license in several states.  What happens if I accept a censure and reprimand in 1 state?  Will it carry over? 

Thanks, Dr. K


Likely, yes.  The states talk and when you have an action taken against your license you will have the other states you hold a license in take a look at the facts warranting action and making their own determination whether the penalty is on point.  I've seen the reviewing state take less and more severe action, depending on the states in play and the action.  In 1 instance the offense what a violation/citation in 1 state and a misdemeanor crime in another... that was a mess.   Biggest mess here is when you cut a deal with state 1 without thinking through the potential for state 2...   

When your license is on the line, don't just sign!  Let's discuss and consider potential ramifications, elsewhere included!