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More comments on missed opportunities
December 24, 2018
More comments on missed opportunities from articles on December 11 and 17, 2018
Your columns are always fascinating and make excellent reading. I always finish reading them having learned something.
Your column on December 17, 2018 was particularly good, and in a lighthearted way, pointed out the single greatest issue facing independent alarm dealers, today. Both Mark Matlock and Mitch Reitman are right on the money. Although Mark is also promoting a product, certainly his message is important. And for a humorous and insightful look at what happened to the automotive industry, Mitch Reitman's column is outstanding. As you know, I have been delivering the same message, in person as I travel around the country speaking to the alarm industry. And yes, I'm a broker. And we are fortunate enough to have enough business coming to us as a result of our 20+ years of doing this, we don't believe in creating untrue issues.
Today, independent alarm dealer is faced with many of the same issues that yesteryears blacksmiths faced over 100 years ago. Try to maintain the status quo or, make the decision that change is afoot, and must be recognized, responded to and planned for. Some of the changes we have seen are truly eye-opening in and of themselves:
* Integrators are now looking to the RMR model as a revenue source for their businesses.
* Traditional alarm dealers are now looking towards integrator type installations and service as a model for increasing revenues.
* Commercial fire systems and installation and service is now being recognized as one of the most stable sources of revenue available. Both integrators and alarm dealers are moving towards adding this profit center to their business.
* Banks and private equity are not backing away from lending into the RMR industries that can show both profitability and stability.
It seems as though as many dealers that sell their businesses or just leave the industry, that's as many new entrées that come into the industry.
While many industries face death by a thousand cuts, the alarm industry is not only not dying, it is systematically evolving into a much more consumer friendly, customer oriented industry. Today's alarm dealer needs to systematically look at all of the products and services out there that can be integrated, i.e., combined with traditional alarm systems. That doesn't mean they have to be security oriented, just marketed by alarm dealers. Think solar energy, home entertainment, home automation, outdoor lighting, etc. Then think customer stickiness.
Just my thoughts, Ken…. And by the way, who knew that Mitch Reitman had such a great sense of humor? Keep the faith…
Ron Davis
Davis Mergers and Acquisitions Group, Inc.
Re: Comment on Missed Opportunities and changed times
I need to personally thank Mitch for causing me to spill my morning coffee on my I-pad. Mitch, you may have a second career in comedy. Simpli Shoes??? SIY ??? Seriously though, there have been many market disruptions since the Industrial Age began. And for that I say thank God.
The digital dialer opened up the alarm business to thousands of companies, mine included. Real, reliable wireless technology changed the business yet again. Now we see DIY really coming of age. Face it, this is here to stay as is the market dilution it brings. The products are improving and as is the case with the new Ring Security System, you can get them just about anywhere. The monitoring for Ring is just $10.00 per month and there are APPS to share video with your neighbors. This is just one more product siphoning business away from traditional installers.
How does a traditional installer compete with $10.00 monitoring and good equipment? I know that a common response from many alarm companies would be “well these DIY customers would never have come to us anyway”. I believe that as DIY equipment and services evolve and improve, the traditional installing company will see more and more of their potential and existing customers going down that road.
To adapt properly you need to realize that ALL avenues for RMR should be explored. Here are two examples of how Hosted PBX services can add to your bottom line, one theoretical and one real life: A small business has a phone system with 10 extensions, the RMR to a security company partnered with the right Hosted PBX company could be anywhere from $50.00 to $150.00 per month. Here’s the real life example: A medium size law firm with 46 extensions generates an RMR stream of $368.00 per month. Every month. From just one client.
Here’s the thing: while we know that every business may need a security system, a CCTV package or an access control system, these are not a requirement for being in business. On the other hand, phones are required for anyone owning a business!
We handle everything on the technical side. Every security installer who handles any commercial work needs to recognize that there is an additional RMR stream available to them.
Your readers should check us out. See our ad in The Alarm Exchange under Technology and Services that increase or preserve your RMR. Or, contact me direct at 866-362-0705 or .
Ken, thanks for all you do and for the use of your soapbox.
John Haenn, President
Concord Communications Group, Inc.
Well said, gentlemen!
Your comments about change was terrific, it reminded me of one of my life long friends son, who was working for Apple's R&D division for 4 years, and when asked by his Dad what new things are you working on, he answered I can't tell you what, but I can say you ain't seen nothing yet!! Your words are good for not just our industry, but every thing we touch, and experience. Well said my friend!
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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq
Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC
Attorneys at Law
200 Garden City Plaza
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