KEN KIRSCHENBAUM, ESQ ALARM - SECURITY INDUSTRY LEGAL EMAIL NEWSLETTER / THE ALARM EXCHANGE You can read all of our articles on our website. Having trouble getting our emails? Change your spam controls and white list ************************************ Comment on Should we thank Sandy Springs March 7, 2020 ********************** ISC canceled. We will be presenting webinars TBA ********************** Comment on Should we thank Sandy Springs from February 20 and March 4, 2020 articles ********************* Ken… Another observation about Stan Martin, Executive Director of Security Industry Alarm Coalition, comments on “Should we thank Sandy Springs” In defense of Sandy Springs, Seattle, Fontana and other Munis… who have redirected responsibility for UPR/Unnecessary-Police-Response, from the citizen alarm site to the private contractor that provides remote-monitoring. It is not that complicated… the request for police response came from the monitoring firm, based on their professional interpretation of industry standard alarm signals. The call to the police does NOT come from the alarm site. We often forget…..this is all about “private contracts, for private services, for private citizens, for private revenue”. Local police are not a part of the contract. However, for many decades municipalities have volunteered local police as a courtesy substitute for private responders to “nuisance alarms”. Private remote-monitoring firms are required to follow the same laws as private citizens, no more, no less. 911 rules and protocol have not changed… witnessed threats and emergencies get highest priority when called by monitoring firms, or private citizens. And nuisance calls with unknown origin, receive low priority or no response when called by private monitoring firms, or by private citizens. Private property alarm customers should not be incited to expect more. We now know that prominent Alarm Associations and alarm industry leadership have abused this special public/private relationship by promoting a “Model Ordinance”, which is now considered to be a “Trojan Horse” that delivers self-serving benefits in conflict with public safety. Most municipalities with larger populations/customers are now overwhelmed with requests for UPR/Unnecessary Police Response. As Ken pointed out, this Sandy Springs template could be considered the round-trip return to the roots of remote-monitoring. A major opportunity to grow the market and market value of RMR. Lee Jones Support Services Group ********************* Response ********************* The step up of required verification, whatever its motivation, should be positive for the alarm industry generating more work and better protection. I can’t agree with or endorse the statement that “for many decades municipalities have volunteered local police as a courtesy substitute for private responders …” Police are not doing the alarm industry any favors, and they aren’t doing the public any favors either. Government has a duty to provide police protection; it’s their job; a job that would be all the more difficult without the electronic alarm industry. Most places understand the importance of joint cooperation, effort and purpose. Those areas that don’t, those that create a hostile working relationship pitting alarm companies against customers, against police, against each other, do nothing to improve the efficiency of providing police, fire or emergency response to protect the public. I suppose you can say we are still in a growing stage. Alarm monitoring has not matured to perfection and false alarms are prevalent. First Responders end up responding to a lot of false alarms and wasting a lot of resources. The alternatives to false alarms are no alarms, no dispatch or better systems and better procedures. The public is best served by the latter alternative and First Responders are just going to have to wait until technology moves closer to perfection and the public, whom the First Responders serve, are willing to pay for alarm service “perfection”. In the meantime, there’s ECV, audio and camera verification, and fines. ********************* To order up to date Standard Form Alarm / Security / Fire and related Agreements, click ************************* CONCIERGE LAWYER SERVICE PROGRAM FOR THE ALARM INDUSTRY You can check out the program and sign up here: or contact our Program Coordinator Stacy Spector, Esq at 516 747 6700 x 304. *********************** NOTICE: You can always read our Articles on our website at *********************** THE ALARM EXCHANGE
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