June 27, 2011



I disagree

All VoIP devices here in ny has battery backup, in some case the modem has 2 batteries versus only one. ( time warner)



Empire secure installation Inc




There is a fairly new communication product on the market called EmizonIP which is a dual path telecommunication device for alarm panels that

utilizes both IP and Cell to transmit an alarm signal with varying levels

of security. It is being utilized in some very prominent communities

in Florida and and the time elapse between alarm signal to LE

response has been clocked at 11 seconds. A very good and superior

alternative to POTS.



Hi Ken,

long time reader. I have a comment on this post about VOIP vs. POTS

I agree with Chris Allen about the reliability of POTs lines in North America. However like it or not VOIP technology is the future. I believe within five years POTS lines will either be phased out or a premium will be charged for that type of service.

The Alarm Dealers should be asking manufactures to provide direct Ethernet connections into their panels and educate dealers on VOIP technology. One big problem is that unlike POTs lines not all VOIP lines are the same.

Ralph Meyers

Nu-TEL Communications

( Telephone Hardware Vendor)



I am curious, is this an endorsement of using VoIP over Pots? Has the industry evolved to that point? I'm not technical so I need alarm dealers to educate me. From a legal perspective it doesn't matter because the Standard Contracts treat all communication paths the same. However, it will matter if contracts and the Disclaimer Notice continue to warn against use of VoIP and then the installer uses that communication modality without further explanation. So, is it time to stop warning against the use of VoIP in favor of POTS?