Provided by:  Jennifer Kirschenbaum, Esq.

October 9, 2018


Hi Jennifer,

I may want to shop my practice to a potential buyer.  When should I use a Non Disclosure Agreement?  

Thanks, Dr. M


A Non Disclosure Agreement is a good idea prior to allowing any third party any access or provision of confidential or proprietary information being disclosed or becoming accessible.  So, as a starter to most conversations between parties when you know there may reasonably be expected a need for disclosure, it is also a good idea to get a Non Disclosure Agreement in the works.  As far as form and time commitment for a Non Disclosure Agreement - a proper NDA is a form document that can easily be customized per arrangement.  The document is not a tremendous investment, and a basic document necessary to protect that Je Ne Sais Quoi of your practice.

Need help, let us know. 


Every NYS Employer (no matter the size) is required to have Sexual Harassment Policies and Train NOW. 
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Webinar 1: CLICK HERE NYS Free Sexual Harassment Policies: Employer Beware (overview in 6 minutes)