KEN KIRSCHENBAUM, ESQ ALARM - SECURITY INDUSTRY LEGAL EMAIL NEWSLETTER / THE ALARM EXCHANGE You can read all of our articles on our website. Having trouble getting our emails? Change your spam controls and white list ****************************** Jeff Zwirn offers opinion and warning for Konnected product and invites its president to debate issue March 24, 2021 *********************** Jeff Zwirn offers opinion and warning for Konnected product and invites its president to debate issue March 24, 2021 ************************ Alarm industry expert Jeff Zwirn offers his opinion and warning for the Konnected Alarm Panel. For those of you who may not be familiar with the panel, the Konnected website has this: “Our flagship product, the Konnected Alarm Panel, was launched on Kickstarter in 2017 as a modern replacement for common wired security system panels such as Honeywell/Ademco, DSC, Brinks, Interlogix, Napco, and all other hardwired security systems. Now in its 2nd generation, Konnected has more ways than ever to upgrade any wired alarm system. The Konnected Alarm Panel can connect directly to your home's wired door & window sensors, motion sensors, other sensors and siren and integrates them seamlessly with your other smart home devices. Or, connect in-parallel using Konnected's Interface module to any wired alarm panel and "tap in" to your wired zones without giving up your traditional keypads. In most cases you can even arm/disarm the traditional panel remotely, and get notifications if it's triggered. Now you can monitor your home from anywhere without any monthly fees and use all of your home's existing wired sensors for home automation.” Jeff’s opinion follows: ******************* Jeff Zwirn offers opinion and warning for Konnected product and invites its president to debate issue ******************* Ken a) Konnected’s products are dangerous and should never be used. b) Konnected makes false claims about its products to consumers c) Konnected provides dangerous, false, and inaccurate statements to consumers about its products. d) The installation of Konnected products is unreliable and violates both UL and NFPA 72 standards None of Konnected’s products are UL Listed. They do not comply with any UL Standard and they do not comply with any Fire Code Standard. Then Konnected has the audacity to direct the consumers that what they have the right to reasonably rely on is for Informational Purposes Only which is in gross deviations to how they sell their products to consumers. Konnected knows that consumers are using smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on their products, yet they try to evade the duties which all alarm equipment manufacturers are duty bound to comply with. 4-wire smoke detectors wired to Konnected will share power with the Konnected device, your other wired sensors, and siren. Ensure that you use the UL Listed 12V power supply that comes with your Konnected kit, and test that you have adequate power by sounding the siren and testing the smoke detector simultaneously. Also consider a backup battery to ensure that your smoke detectors still work in a power outage. By way of example, “also consider a battery backup,” telling the unsuspecting consumer and allowing them to believe that a battery backup is an option. The instructions are incorrect and the photograph which is provided on Konnected’s website directs a consumer how to improperly connect a four (4) wire smoke detector to the non-listed Konnected Control Panel. No end of line resistor and no power supervision relay and the circuit is normally closed instead of normally open. Therefore, it is a controlled zone which violates UL and NFPA 72 Standards. Check local code requirements. Local fire and electrical code may require certain type of wiring or connection with external monitoring services. Konnected is not a certified fire protection monitoring device and cannot be used to comply with such requirement. This is not about Konnected needing to be a certified fire protection monitoring device since there is no such thing. This is about compliance with adopted statutory fire codes which were designed to protect families in the event of a fire. Most fatal fires happen at night when the occupants in the home are sleeping, then in a fire you only have about 2-3 minutes to escape before the premises become untenable. Ken, I’d like to invite Konnected’s President, Nate Clark, to participate with me in a webinar sponsored by you on April 20, 2021, at 12 PM ET. I will present my findings and opinion regarding the Konnected Alarm Panel and invite Nate to offer any opposing view he may have in support of the product. As always, thanks for circulation my opinion to the industry and for agreeing to sponsor and host the webinar on this topic. Jeffrey D. Zwirn, President. CPP, CFPS, CFE, SET, FASI&T, CHPA-IV, MBAT, NFPA 3000(PS), IDS Research and Development, Inc ********************* To order up to dateStandard Form Alarm / Security / Fire and related Agreements, click here: ************************* CONCIERGE LAWYER SERVICE PROGRAM FOR THE ALARM INDUSTRY You can check out the program and sign up here: or contact our Program Coordinator Stacy Spector, Esq at 516 747 6700 x 304. *********************** NOTICE: You can always read our Articles on our website at *********************** THE ALARM EXCHANGE
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