KEN KIRSCHENBAUM, ESQ ALARM - SECURITY INDUSTRY LEGAL EMAIL NEWSLETTER / THE ALARM EXCHANGE You can read all of our articles on our website. Having trouble getting our emails? Change your spam controls and white list ****************************** Do you want your kid in your alarm business? / Appreciate those who help you December 30, 2020 ************************* I published these articles last year at this time and they were well received, so I thought I'd run them again with some current updated editing. ************************ Do you want your kid in your alarm business? ********************* Most of you fall into one of the following categories * you’re planning on getting married and building an alarm business * you’re wondering what it’s going to cost to raise your kids * you’re wondering what your kids should do for a living * you’re trying to remember the names all your grandkids, never mind their birthdays Where has all the time gone? It goes by and the older you get the faster it goes by. Just like every other parent you wonder if your kid(s) should follow you into your business or industry. Why not, it’s been good to you and it’s getting better. But all that hard work; risky maneuvers, slow times and good times; changing technology; will there be a need for your services in the future; are there better options for your kid? The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. You really need to have owned and cared for horses to appreciate that. My horses leaned on that fence and all they wanted to do is get to the other side. I don’t think any of my friends think that their business or profession is the right move for their off-spring. Doctors say anything but medicine; lawyers, better in finance; finance, better in law or medicine; manufacturing, better in retail and retail better in manufacturing. “Anything is better than what I’ve had to do and my business is too risky for the future.” Of course not everyone thinks like that. Just look around at second and third generation in the alarm industry. [I’m on third generation in the legal profession, my Dad, me and Jennifer. Can I hold out for my grandkids?]. Here’s how I described the alarm industry long time ago, and I think it’s still good thinking: For the alarm industry, first generation wears jeans and has pulled wire; second generation wears a sports jacket and never installed a system; third generation wears a suit and doesn’t know how to install an alarm system. The apparel is a metaphor and we could equate it with the car each generation drives or the house each generation lives in. Always better. The alarm industry is an exciting business. Technology keeps it moving forward. Of course it requires you to continue training and educating yourself, but by now you should know that. There’s a lot more to this industry than dragging a wire around the perimeter of a building and connecting a few contacts tied into a panel. And for the public, the changes in the industry are perplexing: 2G; 3G; 5G; digital; radio; cellular; Z wave. Now with covid-19 affecting every segment of life we all have to re-evaluate important issues. You and your kids can make a great living in the “alarm business”, which as you know includes much more than alarms. You can still get rich in this business. You can send your kid to law school, medical school, business school, have them come out with a JD. MD, MBA, and guess what, they still end up in your alarm business. You may not recognize that business 5 years after they arrive, but you started it. I hope you love your business; I hope you’re great at it; I hope you make lots of money and live well, and I hope you have a happy and healthy new year. *************************** Appreciate those who help you ***************** Most of you are home with family during the holidays. Covid makes travel difficult and socializing problematic. There are those in the alarm industry who are not at home; they are working. They are performing emergency service on fire alarms or access control or other security, fire or environmental systems; maybe a pull-cord system. Others are manning the central stations who, unlike our broken postal service, actually do work through "snow, rain, heat or gloom of night". They are truly the backbone of the alarm industry and this is the time of year to acknowledge their contribution to your success. Trust me, they will appreciate your acknowledgment of their hard work and loyalty. And for those that don't work so hard and have questionable loyalty, I hope you've had them sign an Employment Agreement. Actually you should have all employees sign an Employment Agreement. *************************** To order up to date Standard Form Alarm / Security / Fire and related Agreements, click here: ************************* CONCIERGE LAWYER SERVICE PROGRAM FOR THE ALARM INDUSTRY You can check out the program and sign up here: or contact our Program Coordinator Stacy Spector, Esq at 516 747 6700 x 304. *********************** NOTICE: You can always read our Articles on our website at *********************** THE ALARM EXCHANGE
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