Provided by:  Jennifer Kirschenbaum, Esq.
March 19, 2020
You probably heard already that the government is loosening HIPAA and allowing providers to utilize available means for telemedicine, without must distinction.  There are a few housekeeping items to get through as you adopt and deploy. 
  1. Check with your malpractice carrier ASAP that telemedicine is covered under your policy
  2. Update your patient policies to include treatment by telehealth (email me if you need help with this)
  3. Be Careful what you sign when you pick a platform!  Send over the agreement if you have questions.  Try to pick one that spells the HIPAA acronym correctly - that's a good pointer to start! 
  4. Understand Coding/Billing - a BIG THANK YOU to Jackie Thelian of Medco for already publishing this Tremendous resource of Telemedicine coding/billing.  Since this is out of my wheelhouse, I direct everyone to watch directly and to please contact Medco with any coding questions/concerns - 718-217-3802;   INFO@MEDCOCONSULTANTS.COM.
Jackie's Presentation is available here -


Can I ask patients to stay home or perform the visit by medicine if patients are symptomatic.  YES.  You can also screen onsite and ask they return home and quarantine if the patient is coming to you for non emergent visit.  

Can I ask Staff to take their temperature and send them home?    YES.  Know that job status is protected, and payment will likely be required during a quarantine period (as per evolving legislation).  
Check out K&K's Webinar - Covid-19 Roadmap for Employers -  CLICK HERE -